Feed A Family is a non profit based in Kansas City and operates in Mexico. Every Wednesday, Feed A Family and El Rio International feed hundreds of people from five different locations in Tlaxcala and Mexico City. Our people buy local groceries and many donate food, clothes, and hygienic items. Hours before opening, the food is cooked and packaged for the people to take the food home and share with their families.
When El Rio International had to shut down due to governmental authorities quarantine because of COVID-19, they knew they had to serve the community in ways that the government would not. They opened a kitchen in all five of their locations and proceeded to feeding anyone who would come. The stories were heart wrenching as families would walk for miles with their children to receive one days worth of food. Upon hearing these stories, the son of the pastor of El Rio International decided to start a gofundme for El Rio. This evolved into creating the nonprofit Feed A Family.